Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our new Distraction

We got another member of our household. While out in tract work I just so happened to come along a breeder of toy boston terriers. I had much self control just to love them and wish and walk away. I just so happened to have to make a return visit on the nice lady and I just so happened to come away with a puppy ( so much for self control) His name is Chili Pepper, I think. We will see no one likes it but me and the dog. Lucy is definately intruded upon and Pete thinks he is cool. The kids all want him to be their sole dog.


Joellyn said...

Awwww, 3 doggies. Congrats.

Amber said...

He is SOOOOO cute! Enjoy puppyhood again!

Jae Lorette said...

i think since it's a toy boston you should name him like Brewtus or Hank