Saturday, June 6, 2009


The term "Free" sometimes comes with a price. We have "free" natural gas for our use on our property however we are now experiencing our second oil spill. Two years ago we had a devasting 90 barrels go down our hollow. This time it is only one barrel, however that is still 55 gallons.

Money and greed tend to make people less responsible. It is a good thing that my house is up on a knob and my well away from any stream. The gas/oil lines are starting to deteriorate and developing pin holes. It is not like in MD where a whole area would be evacuated for saftey. Here the gas and oil just continues to spill until someone says something. Usually it can go on for weeks before it is noticed. There is the EPA but, if you notifiy them your local well tender will develop an attitude and make your life almost unbearable. It is in everyones best interest to work with them on a clean up first.

Our last three days have been watching them sop up oil with these rags that look like floor tiles. My creek looks like a nicely laid white floor with fluffy pillows every so often. We are much more agressive this time since last time they took too many short cuts and left us with a continual mess. These "tiles" do not absorb water, only oil. Once full they squeeze them out into a bucket and relay them down. Most of the oil in the water will come up it is the oil that seeps into the soil that causes a problem. The soil over time will slowly release the oil causing the mess. We are going to push for them to clean the soil around our pond. I do not think they will be very happy.

It is amazing what people will do when not monitored by someone in authority. Out here we are so rural that it is impossible to know all of the devasting things that can take place and simply not enough money to monitor. It is a shame. I long for the time when people will simply look for the best interest of his fellow man and not money.

1 comment:

Amber said...

This was interesting. I did not know how oil was soaked up out of water. Sorry you have to go thru this...