Friday, July 31, 2009

Good news about my lungs

I went to the Lung specialist. I apparently have a calcified lymph and left center lung. Not a biggie since I have 98 percent oxygen when I breathe. All it ment was that at some point in my life I had a huge assult to my lungs and my Lymph gland saved my life and petered out. It could decide to change at some point but for now it is very dormant. This is the kind of stuff that your body sometimes gets tired of having around. Mine is very fine with it right now. YEA!

I imagine it was when I was 15 and worked at the dog kennel. ( I should have never scooped poop hee hee hee)

This year has been exceptionally wet and that is a horrible thing for people with allergies. Hence my awful attack. So-- in order to prevent any further assults on my poor body I now take wonderful drugs to ward off extra mucus and these attacks of sensitivity to everything under the sun. If I am good and remember that I NEED to be drugged every day in order to stay somewhat healthy I should breathe easily. It was no fun choking everyday.

1 comment:

Amber said...

At least the problem is treatable & can be maintained. Although it's not fun taking meds everyday. Glad you're going to be alright : )