Friday, August 7, 2009


I found out Wednesday that I can cut my property taxes by 2/3 if I register as a Farm. This means that I have to have some kind of farming that had livestock or crops worth $1000 a year on it.

So, I asked lots of questions about what constitutes a farm. Now this is great, since I tried goats and invested $500 in them but only had them for four days I can qualify them for last year. We also stocked our fish pond for another $250 worth of fish. Which the heron ate. Then I got chickens!!! 20 of them I gave away and Rabbits, now we ate most of them ! chickens are worth $200-- it doesn't matter if I paid for them, it is their worth. The Rabbits, well they made themselves. So looky here!! I am a farm. The best part is that I sat with the assessor and told him all of this and he said it didn't matter as long as they ate and slept on my property for any time.

I like this stupid tax thing!

I am not so happy about my garden. Two years in a row I only have enough to get from the garden what I want to eat that day. Now that I am a real farmer ( hee hee) I have the in with other farmers and they are going to give me manure and all the suggestions to help. It is kinda nice.

Next year we are going to raise two beef cows. If anyone wants to pay for the butchering they are welcome to have beef. One half for me and three halves to share. One half of a beef will feed a family of 4 for a year. That is if you eat other kinds of meat as well. This way instead of paying the tax man I am going to feed my family with the money.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Livin' off the fat o' the land!