Sunday, August 9, 2009


We got a really nice camper from someone who wanted out of thier payment. Needless to say they did not use it much and it is in perfect condition on the inside. They parked it up against the woods and the back side got black and streaky. I did not think that was a big deal and I could simply clean it off.

It is year two and I am still cleaning. The camper is 40 ft long and it takes forever to clean. Needless to say I started last year but didn't finish by waxing it so this year I have to start all over again. It doesn't sound like a big deal but 40ft of scrubbing black streaks is like cleaning the rims of your tires and scrubbing white walls. There is a lot of effort involved.

Then I finally got smart. I have two boys!! I didn't use them last year because Todd had them helping him build the house everyday. This year they really didn't want to but with much convincing it is getting done. In two hours my boys and their friend Justin washed and mostly waxed it so that they could go to a swimming party. WOW!! They were really sweaty--smile-- I bet they got big muscles too!


Amber said...

So, this is how you motivate the boys to do it again - "After you get done the cleaning & the waxing you can go to the pool party. You'll be able to show off to everyone your BIG MUSCLES!" A plate of brownies is a great reward too.
But wait, shouldn't the love & gratitude of their mother be reward enough??? lol!

Unknown said...

Need a picture of the house completed and the 40ft trailer. It sounds nice. Have you used it much? Just saw your note about calling yesterday and now I can't find it anywhere? Where did you go?
Thought I might get a chance to call later today, although you might be in service. Well, I'll try anyway and leave a message if I must. EWR