Friday, October 3, 2008

a busy week

It is CO week and we are out in service every day. When we came home yesterday it was freezing in our house. The bed sheets were so cold that if you moved you had to wait to get warm again. It was 43 degrees in my bedroom. urrrghhh. Today when I got home from service guess what I did? I started chinking the logs and had Clancy start a fire. It is 61 degrees in our house tonight even though the windows have gaps and the porch door is off. Cool, huh? These logs are more and more impressive to me.

My sinus infection came back exactally when I stopped taking the antibiotic ( yes I finished the right amount) it was just not strong enough. I got a new one to try.

We learned new stuff from the CO. Stuff like the KJ version was written by 47 scholars and only used 8 manuscripts because that was all there was at the time. The NWT uses over 5000 manuscripts because that is what has been found to our day and therefore more accurate. Also one of the first pictures taken of one of the manuscripts was a Gilliead couple. This made an uproar with other religions since they felt they were entitled to that picture.


Annadrew97 said...

The NW Translation really is great isn't it!

Hope you have a nice week with the C.O. and his wife. Please give our greetings to them. They were really nice and so zealous.

Glad to hear you can have a warm house even without doors. We really want to come see you guys again when we have an opportunity.

Great site too...lots of cool pics. I just can't tell who is writing. Most of the blogs sound like Cheryl but some of them sound like they are Todd writing???

Talk to you soon..

Joellyn said...

It's ALWAYS CO week at your cong. Does he come every other month or something?