Friday, October 24, 2008

A long friday

Today we started service at 9:00 and stayed out until 5:00. Todd went to the Jail to study with the guys there and the three kids and I stayed local.

I worked this particular territory before and always got this one Lady Tiffany who was always pleasing. She lives in the middle of no where and is about 40 min from my house so I never made a special wow return visit on her. This time however, I decided to talk to her and feel the real interest out while I was there. After much conversation she aske me "Why does God allow good people to suffer so much?" You know what that means....... I told her that I would come back and share the answer next time. She practically begged me to come back and thanked me so many times for considering her and will definately be waiting for my return. WAAAHOOO!

After a long day Kara and I had to give keys to a new tennant and go grocery shopping. We got home at 8:00 and had to use the four wheeler to get all the groceries up the hill ( it is raining and the van doesn't like the mud). The laundry was everywhere and tomorrow the bookstudy is meeting at our house for service so I have to wash three loads and put them away before bed. I AM SO TIRED!!


Annadrew97 said...

It's raining hard here in Frederick today (Saturday). Thanks for sending it to us :^)

Had fun in the tract work in the rain this morning though and saw some WV's who were visiting MD. Last guys...this week Snyders.

Glad you had a fun time preaching. Sure makes it even more fun when you have a call like the one you have.

Amber said...

So happy you had a great return visit! Reading about your busy day made me tired ~ yawn! When spiritual activities make us tired, it's the best kinda' tired of all!